Estate, Tax And Business Planning Driven By Clients’ Needs And Goals

Trusts, estates and taxation are often foreign territory for successful people in fields other than the law. Across all professions and endeavors, however, people have loved ones they care deeply about and personal values that they hold dear. Throughout his career, attorney Ronald S. Pohl has focused on legal work that protects what truly matters to his clients.

A renowned trusts and estates lawyer and long-standing CPA, Ron Pohl brings value and insight to the most complex decisions and disputes. Clients hear what they need to hear — the truth about their rights and options, informed by thorough analysis — not just what they would like to hear. In optimizing each client’s individualized estate plan, Mr. Pohl considers and uses state-of-the-art, sophisticated planning techniques and devices.

Mr. Pohl’s body of knowledge, reputation for integrity and close relationships with other prominent lawyers make the Pohl Law Group in Manhattan an excellent resource in matters of:

Physical Distance Is Not A Barrier · Responsive, Knowledgeable Counsel

“Mr. Pohl proved to be just what I needed. He was able to work efficiently by phone and email so that I was able to avoid trips to New York City. He was knowledgeable and, most importantly, he was able to give me clear and detached advice.” — Ron Q., an appreciative estate administration client. Read more references and personal accounts from those we serve.

At the Pohl Law Group, we control our caseload to ensure that we uphold the highest standards in matters ranging from estate planning to business dispute resolution. Call or email us if you would like to discuss your needs.